
Dulce Rocha 11º A2


In past times, people had to produce their own utensils, food, etc. There were people who sold what they had created and the products lasted a long time, serving to subsequent generations. Before they buy whatever it was, people thought well about what they were going to buy. No sooner had industrialization appeared, than there has a lot of production and more varied products to sell. Since there was more production than consumption, there was a need to find a way to appeal people to buy, and appeared marketing strategies.

Nowadays, more and more people buy products irrationally, deluding themselves with what they see in advertising products. This illusion is a distortion of reality, caused by a marketer who says that the product has all the qualities of the world.clip_image002

I think that people must do something to control the publicity to avoid to have more false advertising and to stabilize the number of publicity created per year. Therefore, people will live less boring with advertising.

Dulce Rocha


There are no space…

extraterrestres[1]It was night. It was dark and cold, The wind blew slowly, Men didn’t believe in present and there was no future. In the darkness of time appeared lights, noises, smells. Mixed with the perfume of jasmine from fields, a soft perfume of novelties amazed the landscape. Then, came a strange vehicle and strange inhabitants left it: they had a slim figure, gelatinous, shine and bizarre. The strong noise of the moment called attention of Men that were there: they opened the door, switches on lights and with a unknown expression analyzed that landscape. Unquestionably, they understood that they was seeing extraterrestrials. This creatures crossed the fields with trust! They crossed the smells, the noise and the lights, and handed a jug to a pastor who was there, petrified with the situation. Then, the extraterrestrials left that dimension with the same trust that they come and without expression, because the expressions were a human stuff and they were everything less humans.

In the next morning, the silence of human skepticism became a strong hum caused by disorder, The jug was another unknown, So, the Men discussed to decided who would open the jug. When they got a decision and saw the contents of the jug didn’t believe in that vision.

It was love, But there was no space for it in Earth, the place of normal people.


Catarina Viegas, nº 8 11A3


The Spring

image When we think of spring, we associate the revival of flora and fauna that are terrestre.Plants during the winter, drought, or just not flower at this time begin to create flower, then to give us the fruit.
But this season has gone! It is no longer what it was, or is it a cold and rainy season, winter, or is a hot, dry season, summer and spring is a season characterized by mild temperatures, but this is not the case.
You could say that the the fault of all this is the man, he to use products that contain CFCs has caused global warming, which has as a consequence, the change of temperatures, and therefore the change in seasons. Thus, the spring is not what it was ...


Daisy Simões