Ana Beatriz 11º A2
When I was a little girl, I was happier than now maybe because I didn’t have so much to worry about, and I had more free time, more time to play and fun, though I didn’t have so much knowledge, and life experience.
The traditional wisdom suggests that we should divide our day schedule into three parts: eight hours for sleep, eight hours for leisure, and eight hours for work.
Lately, I used to have much more that eight hours for leisure, now my day schedule divides only in two parts: work and sleep.
I work much more than eight hours.
During the week I spend about eight hours at school, and when I arrive at home, I study and try to review the subjects that are given every day.
I also made time to stay with my friends and participate in other activities outside the school.
I feel tired very often during the year but also satisfied with the results, then I’m ‘’rewarded’’, as always we work or always when we make an effort.
So, when I see a child with a smile playing on the street with simple puddles of water, or chasing a bird I remember my childhood and also remember that I used to have more time to ‘’breathe’’…
Rafael Filipe Sul Oliveira Nº23 11ºA3
Work and Leisure:
Part of my life is spent working, studying or better. Study on average eight to nine hours a day to school.
In the morning I get up and go to school at the end of classes and study only after all the work is coming from leisure.
In my free time I practice various activities such as playing soccer, playing computer games, horseback riding, biking, among many other things that are possible to do.
I know I spend enough time studying, but also take advantage of their free time and I have to amuse myself.
While studying to be a bit tiring and sometimes become a routine, the studies are accurate. Be home to the good life might be better, but sooner or later end up in misery, without effort and without making sacrifices do not get anywhere. Nowadays the studies that a person has are who will decide their future and their quality of life.
Besides being necessary to study to succeed in having a reasonable life, life must be seized to the fullest while you can. If life was just work also became too drying, it was a life that was not anything seized.
To occupy these sayings such there are many leisure activities outside of work and school, these activities are designated for leisure.
For the life become more exciting and we have to do with the will to live we have to make the most fun to me and us to the big.
As I mentioned earlier, to occupy my free time I do things that give me more pleasure to do.
Life is still, can not be everything, as we wish. Do not get anywhere without effort.
Life is divided by work and leisure.
Carla Sofia Campos Torrado Nº7 11ºA3
Important moments in my life:
I love animals especially cats.
One of my goals when I came to this course was to study veterinary
then something struck me was the very few times when one of the cats from my mother had a beautiful yellow cat, who fell in love as soon as I saw her. Was hairy, a silky, soft, beautiful, but she was not very gentle, not let us give you a hand.
I never gave up on it, until conquered and gave him the name Nininha because she was very sweet, but the worst had to happen ... she was very, very sick and died. I was too sad, I cried and asked God to return, but it was too late.
My parents when they see my pain let me buy two Persian kittens, and I bought the Tito and Princess. Were the best thing that happened to me, they are beautiful and too dear.
The princess is a very sweet girl, but never out of his stance cat important. Tito already beyond is the most beautiful and sweet baby I know. Every night I lie down so he comes to lie on my neck, and spends the night with me, when I get home he always comes to me to get you.
I remember like it was today the day that I first fell in love immediately.
I can honestly say they make me very happy and things are the best memory of my life.
P.S. : A amarela é a Princesa e o branquinho é o Tito!
Maria Clara M. Queiroz Guapo nº17 11ºA3
♥ I miss my childhood times: lightheartedness, with the easy going live, the true leisure.
Although I have always been busy, life was much more simpler. I had time to run, to travel, to jump, to laugh, to reflect, to be in contact with Nature and animals.
Today the situation is very different, reality is another. I have many responsibilities, I have deadlines to meet, expectations to achieve and free time is scarce.
The life of true students should not be so complicated or the effort better recognized. However what really worries me is the future. Everybody tells me that hard work will start when I go to the university. Honestly, I’m afraid because I want to enjoy life, carry out all of my dreams and to have success.
Our life is so uncertain. Should not it be more simple?
Maria Clara de Sucena Marques de Queiroz Guapo 11ºA3
Dulce Rocha 11º A2
A child memory
When I was a child, in my summer holidays, I woke up in the morning and the weather was very good. My parents told me that I should hurry up because the day was so good that it would be nonsense if we didn’t get the most of the day. Then we travel to a place in the field by car. We made a picnic in the middle of the forest. After that, we went to a place in which there were a lot of steps (286) between the rocks. We didn’t know that place but we climbed all of the steps and we left at the lookout. We were very surprised with the fantastic landscape around us, because our points of view were spectacular.
I loved it and I will never forget this day because I saw that the Nature is really, really beautiful!
From my perspective, there is no nothing more beautiful than Nature.
João Nadais nº 20 11ºA2
Work and leisure
Work and leisure… What an undefined theme! It’s not really easy to talk about such a theme like that. But even so i’ll try.
Well… people say that we have eight hours to sleep, eight hours to work and eight for leisure. But, from my point of view, this is just theory. Look at your school timetable. You never spend less than eight hours just in the work you have at school.But if you think it is all, wait up! It’n not over! Or are you forgetting the times when you have homework, or even when you have tests? In these cases you get almost all of the weekdays spent without leisure, isn’t it so? The only days that you can say you can have that theorical balance well-used is at the week-ends, because you don’t have the school, so you have the power to do what is better to you(even if it is not what pleases you more. You sometimes need to do some sacrifices to be well succeeded, you know).
Secondly there is another thing that we can talk concerning this theme (after all, it was not so undefined as it seemed!). You have to balance well work and leisure. I’ve heard some people say that now they work so much that they say that when they were young they were much happier than what they are now. And one of them is me. But sometimes it is so hard to conciliate these two things that we don’t take time for us. But this should be avoided because, as people say, “all work and no play makes jack a dull boy” . This means that if we work too much and don’t take time to have fun, no one will be able to stand us.
So finally I would say that although that eight hour thing is just theory, we should try to make it not get very far from reality.
Catarina Viegas, nº8 11ºA3
Since really soon I entertained me with pens and papers, since really soon I was not accustomed to fail. I went to the school and already knew how to read a book, to make a multiplication or a division. It was a constant cede to the desire of learn and develop. The nights that I spent seated on the lap of my father, feeling the warmth of the fireplace, learning more alphabet’s letters, more words, more numbers, were the trampoline for I didn’t to belong to a class of students of my age. It is these nights that are still saved in my trunk of memories. It was unchanging this routine of infallibility. It was with it that I grew up, it is without it that I keep me.
A proverb of the common sense says that: “ how much higher we climb, greater is the fall."I'm falling, but I didn’t fall yet … I climbed too much high and now the fall will be long. I have and I had until fall, high hopes. Maybe too much… And I know that that is what disappoints me when I fail, is the connection with the past that eludes me. But it is this illusion that makes me fight.
The student life hasn’t being easy: the results are not commensurate with the effort. I’m sure that I’m involved in many activities. I feel a empty time, but full of everything: I don’t get time to realize everything with calm and dignity because it is completely filled by busy seconds. It can be conducive to the fall, I admit. But I can’t live without this seconds. I know that I would be frustrated having too much time, useless. The defect persists in the fact that I can not leave these occupations.
I am surpassing a repair period, looking for a solution for the fails: a past irony.
It is, undoubtedly, this constant travel to the past that transforms the way like I view the present.
Nuno Portugal
Someday, I will travel around the world with my man Zé and money we will earn in Euro-Million.
First Stop: Spain. Bull fights, Spanish girls and a Barcelona-Real Madrid game we will see.
Second Stop: France. Eiffel Tower, croissants, the city of love with too Colin Rouge workers we will visit.
Third Stop: Germany. Drink beer and try out some girls.
Forth Stop: Nederland. Girls in a shop exposed with legal drugs, a good night we will have for certain.
Fifth Stop: Italy. Pizza, “spaghetti” and we will see some gladiator girls in a coliseum.
Sixth Stop: Russia. Vodka and cold, some girls will have to get us hot.
Seventh Stop: India. Sacred Cows… Hm! I will not want to eat it, but a Rabbi's wife maybe.
Eighth Stop: Japan. I’ve never liked Asian girls, but with the technologic break-outs there it could mean a miracle.
Ninth Stop: USA. Hollywood, Las Vegas casino house, Miami beaches and crazy American girls. I do not know what I’m going to do.
Tenth Stop: Brazil. Rio de Janeiro, almost naked girls, it makes a man lose his head.
After we returns to Portugal and we work to earn money again!
Patricia Oliveira
The best moment in my life was the day I received my puppy Pitucha. I can remember it like it was today, there I was sited on a bench in hospital, crying of pain when a kind old lady said to me '' -Stop crying and I will give you a puppy.'', I stopped immediately. A week later, there was that little piece of energy, she's was so small and cute, she's so beautiful, all black with white chest and one white nail in the front feet, her ears are always up like a satelite.
Well, enough of descriptions, Pitucha is my best friend, the best of the bests. She's that tower of support, I know this seems a little bit silly and corny but she's not a dog, she seems human.
Pitucha knows and I know we are one. She's always there when I cry and cry, every night she's the shoulder when I cry with when know one is there, she's my strength when everyone is too overweight with pain and can not stand up to help me, she's the smile when the world seems to get to a end, she's a friend when now one knows what to say. Now, she's a older sister, since mine pasted away because everyone said ''I will be here for you!'', but indeed I look around and there's now one there, just Pitucha.
She's my shelter, she's not a ordinary dog she's human!
I love you Pitucha.

José Ferreira
2009 July, with my parents authorization I entered in a plain going to England. I had no concrete idea what I was doing: I was going alone to a foreign country to a English course! However, a week later I lived one of the best adventures in my life.
I was there and, against my will, I had time-table to fit in: I woke up at 7, went a ride, took a shower, had breakfast, after that, for my sadness, 3 hours of classes. After lunch, the institute used to take us to a city where we could do whatever we wanted the rest of afternoon.
At this time I made some Italian friends and Spanish ones, one of this girls became really close to me.
When I arrived to Portugal, me and my family flew to Jamaica: sun, beach, sea, “marijuana” and one time I got drunk – I was in vacations!
I was there 10 days, went to Bob Marley’s house and the rest of the days to the beach… It was the best holidays I ever had.
In the end, I had to come back to Portugal, to my “job” that, to my sadness, I’ve to go everyday and I wrote this text.
Daisy Simões
Me and my self
I lived in Mozambique, with my mother, my brother and my father, who was sometimes absent because of his work.
For me being there was everything, as if there was another world, nor knew that there was more stuff than that!
All this started when I was seven years, I came to Portugal. Two years earlier, my father died, I suffered, cried, but things had to pass, and eventually passed, and with it, I grew up!
I had this opportunity to start my life, but without the people who were accustomed to deal, without my family ... I had to think of me, would better for me, few had an opportunity like this , to could have a future better.
Very small and thin, I was already in Portugal, without my family, had come to come and live with my maternal uncles, especially with my aunt, who has charged me until now. The arrival in this country was abrupt, radical, everything changed! There was nothing accustomed to this environment in the early days was to pee in bed, dreaming as still there, as if he were still with all those people.
But I couldn’t give up, I had to rebuild everything, trying to deal with this situation, not the people who liked around, but on the other hand, had my aunt, who is now like my mother. The friends had to be redone, everything changed!
The teaching was different, everything was different, I would move to the third class, but I had to redo the second class, and it was the best thing that they have done, because I knew nothing, could barely read and write. Evolves enough in a few months was at the level of others, I was feeling more confident, it was as if he had conquered that portion of people who surrounded me, sentia.me happy and pleased with myself.
I got used quickly to the environment, the people around me make me feel good, I had everything that I wanted, the grades were good, became one of the best students, I and my uncles were pleased with me. I went through an extremely complicated, could overcome this barrier, not fail, I continued, I worked to get through all the difficulties, despite miss my mother and my brother ...
To not feel sad, I wondered: "Why am I here, what am I doing here? "- These questions have meaning, they helped me to realize my purpose - my future, if my future became the best, I could help my family. And it never leaves the head, gotta get, gotta get, and I Will!
Over the years went over the barriers, I learned from my mistakes,I grow up! Many people say that they want to be older to be able to get rid of the parents, but do not think they will make you miss. Just because they say they have had from parents always present, have had the affection and support them, which not everyone has! But when they realize it may already be too late, and only then will value.
Daisy Simões, nº 10 11A3