
Maria Clara M. Queiroz Guapo nº17 11ºA3

♥ I miss my childhood times: lightheartedness, with the easy going live, the true leisure.clip_image002

Although I have always been busy, life was much more simpler. I had time to run, to travel, to jump, to laugh, to reflect, to be in contact with Nature and animals.

Today the situation is very different, reality is another. I have many responsibilities, I have deadlines to meet, expectations to achieve and free time is scarce.

The life of true students should not be so complicated or the effort better recognized. However what really worries me is the future. Everybody tells me that hard work will start when I go to the university. Honestly, I’m afraid because I want to enjoy life, carry out all of my dreams and to have success.

Our life is so uncertain. Should not it be more simple?

Maria Clara de Sucena Marques de Queiroz Guapo 11ºA3

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Anónimo disse...

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