
Patricia Oliveira


The best moment in my life was the day I received my puppy Pitucha. I can remember it like it was today, there I was sited on a bench in hospital, crying of pain when a kind old lady said to me '' -Stop crying and I will give you a puppy.'', I stopped immediately. A week later, there was that little piece of energy, she's was so small and cute, she's so beautiful, all black with white chest and one white nail in the front feet, her ears are always up like a satelite.

Well, enough of descriptions, Pitucha is my best friend, the best of the bests. She's that tower of support, I know this seems a little bit silly and corny but she's not a dog, she seems human.

Pitucha knows and I know we are one. She's always there when I cry and cry, every night she's the shoulder when I cry with when know one is there, she's my strength when everyone is too overweight with pain and can not stand up to help me, she's the smile when the world seems to get to a end, she's a friend when now one knows what to say. Now, she's a older sister, since mine pasted away because everyone said ''I will be here for you!'', but indeed I look around and there's now one there, just Pitucha.

She's my shelter, she's not a ordinary dog she's human!

I love you Pitucha.

4 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Good night.
I just went on home today and when i checked-up my text I saw that it has lots of miss phrases. I was not at home until now so I asked a friend to tipe de text and send it he must got wrong and wrote some things that just have no sense. can I tipe here the same text but well done not with the misses he has done?

Thank you, Patrícia Oliveira

Anónimo disse...

Of course you can retype the text here.
See you around.
Your English Teacher

Anónimo disse...

Thank you :D

See you :)

Anónimo disse...

there is my text retyped :D

Thank you :D
See you arround